Where can you find coupons?
Just keep your eyes peeled and you will find them EVERYWHERE!
- Look at the my tabs to print or load your coupons on your shoppers card.
- Sunday newspaper – Coupon inserts (RP, SS, P&G, and occasionally bonus inserts depending on your area of the country: Parade Magazine, USA Weekly, General Mills, Target).
- Internet: printable coupons – There are a vast array of printable coupons – on printable coupon sites and manufacturer’s sites. Here are some sites: RedPlum, SmartSource,Coupons.com, and Cool Savings.
- Coupon mailers from unsolicited companies or from a manufacturer with whom you have signed up in the mail or online.
- In magazines – All You Magazine! You can purchase this magazine at Walmart locations or by subscription only.
- Inside products or on the box of a product
- Loaded to your savings card, if available, or to your cell phone
- Coupon trains – Circulate and swap coupons, through the mail or in person, with family and friends
- Store Weekly Circular or In-store –
Catalina/CAT - coupon on back of store receipt or printed after receipt
Blinkie or Tear Pad – coupon from a small blinkie machine or pad – typically near the relevant product
Peelie – coupon on product itself
Blinkie or Tear Pad – coupon from a small blinkie machine or pad – typically near the relevant product
Peelie – coupon on product itself