Sunday, February 27, 2011

Tom Thumb 2/27-3/08

Today I noticed that Tom Thumb has a great sale going on in their Frozen Food Aisle, they have a coupon for $5/15 on ANY FROZEN FOOD items. They had these about 3 months ago and I brought my Coupon Binder insert in the store and Stocked-Up my Deep Freezer. The $5 is taken off before your Manufacturer's coupons, pair them with their other store sales and you can get good deals on Frozen food.
Tom Thumb seems to have higher prices than most stores but with this sale I think you can get aways with pretty cheap frozen meals. If I remember correctly I did 3 different transactions and was able to walk out of the store  with store priced sale $60 worth of frozen items for about $15. That's about 70% in savings. Let me know what kind of deals you come across!

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